August 2, 2019
The End
The author of this theme is for the second and final time moving away from WordPress. As a result, QNRWP-A…

June 5, 2019
Save Time, Save Money
With development continuing apace, there has never been a better time to start using QNRWP-A. Time is money…

May 20, 2019
Comprehensive Options
As promised in the last posting, most of the non-essential features of this theme have been made optional…

February 13, 2019
QNRWP-A will in the future be split into the base functionality of the theme, and a new interface plugin for…

July 4, 2018
Production Ready Theme
After a complete code refactor, QNRWP-A now follows WordPress standards and is ready for production work…

December 14, 2017
Quick Menu Access to Latest Posts
Not only is the Dashboard interface simplified for editors, with complete focus on creation and editing of…