
Saturday, 14 May 2016

Quicknr 1.7.0

HTML source files are now titled from their filenames, custom user functions no longer necessary.

Previously, Quicknr set HTML <title></title> tags on ".txt" and ".mdml" source files only, using the plain text title found in the file. Source files with the ".html" or ".php" extension required a custom titling function to be created by the user. Now, HTML souces are titled from their filenames. The only exception is "index.html", which will be titled "Home".

Also new in this version is that Head and Tail snippets in the default "config.txt" file (that Quicknr copies to every new website) are now in HTML 5 format, not XHTML 1.0. Existing websites are not affected by this change, and the user can of course edit the snippets as needed.