
Tuesday, 08 March 2016

Quicknr Version 1.2.2

Quicknr has been updated today.

The biggest improvement since the previous update is that news posts now feature Previous and Next links. The original plan was for this to be implemented as an optional extra powered by PHP, creating the links dynamically on the server.

A better solution has been found, combining the power of Python and Javascript. Quicknr now updates a Javascript file with the list of news pages, and a Javascript function uses the list to dynamically create the links. If Javascript is off in the browser, only the "Latest News" link will appear, as before.

In addition, basic Open Graph and Twitter Card meta tags with mostly empty content attributes are now part of the head snippet in the "config.txt" file. They help the website to be nicely presented when linked to on Facebook and Twitter.

Webmaster documentation still not completed, and not likely to be for a while, unfortunatelly. As time allows, sections may be added in an ad hoc fashion and will be announced on Twitter @Quicknr.